SuperPDF 1.0

Starting at only $ 19.95 per
desktop or Web server

SuperPDF - PDF converter and printer driver

SuperPDF is a PDF printer driver and document converter for Microsoft Windows® desktop and server computers that enables you to convert virtually any file type to PDF format. Since no technical experience is required, SuperPDF enables anyone to create PDF documents in a few seconds. All you need to do is to print the document to the SuperPDF printer. SuperPDF also supports command-line mode for programmatically converting documents to PDF from desktop and Web applications. Best of all, the Web server license costs no more than the standard desktop (client) license - as little as $29.95.

Low Cost

SuperPDF costs only $29.95-$49.95 per license, regardless if used on a desktop (client) or a Web server. Since there are no fees per document or per user, you can save thousands of dollars on comparable server solutions.

High Performance

SuperPDF is designed to work in multi-threaded mode, which means that it converts multiple documents simultaneously.

Support for thousands of document and file formats

SuperPDF supports all file and document types that can be printed on Windows computers, from images to HTML and Microsoft WordŽ documents. Moreover, the number of supported file types increases as you install new software applications that open and print documents in additional formats. There is virtually no limit of what SuperPDF can convert to PDF.

Easy Integration

SuperPDF can be easily integrated with desktop and Web applications through the provided command line tool.


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